Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A Transgender Pastor, Obesity, and the Shrink

What a title huh? But they are actually shout-outs to some very good blogs out in the blog world today...all of which are very heavy topics and worthwhile reads.

A Transgender Pastor
Things seem to be getting crazier and crazier these days. A Maryland United Methodist Church pastor has just been reinstated after having a sex change operation. Pastor Ann Gordon is now the new...Pastor Drew Phoenix. I'm sorry but this seems a little ridiculous and even sad to me. Anyways, here are a few blogs and articles about this story. Definitely read Al Mohler's blog.

A Transgender Pastor in the Pulpit? - Al Mohler's blog
Transgender Minister Gets Church's Blessing - Maryland newspaper
Transgender minister is reappointed - Baltimore news article
Identity Crisis: A Transgender Minister Reappointed to Lead Church - Christian Report article

Perry Noble had a great post today that I'm sure will tick off a lot of fat pastors if the read it, but it is a very insightful post about the problem of obesity and treats it as a sin on the same level as alcohol abuse or smoking. Heres a great quote:

"They [pastors] would never have a beer with a church member–but they don’t mind hitting the buffet. They will YELL at a church
member about smoking while all the while pounding cheeseburger after cheeseburger. It’s hypocrisy in its worse form."

Read the post: I Was Fat, Now I'm Not-Part 1

The Shrink

Steven Furtick wrote a great blog today on why he's visits a professional counselor on a regular basis. He recommends that every pastor should consider seeing a counselor regularly. I know I'm a little crazy so it makes me want to take a visit to the Shrink myself...not to mention Tony Soprano visits one all the time and he's a Mob Boss.

Why I See a Counselor
- Steven Furtick


Mikey said...

dude, that's crazy about the transgender pastor. It's like saying God made me wrong.

Chance Witherspoon said...

That's what came to my mind as well...didn't God foreknow us in our mother's womb? God created us a man or woman...doesn't seem to be a choice of our own will. I don't see how anyone can make a biblical case for a sexual transformation much less accepting a pastor who chooses to have a sex change during his/her pastorate.

Walk said...

When social agendas like "tolerance" and "inclusivism" are emphasized, it always comes at the cost of something else. In this case they come at the cost of the Gospel, and the authority of scripture is replaced/influenced by human reasoning and changes in society.

I mean take this quote for instance:

"The gender I was assigned at birth has never matched my own true authentic God-given gender identity, how I know myself," Phoenix said. "Fortunately today God's gift of medical science is enabling me to bring my physical body in alignment with my true gender."

There is no way that is supported by scripture; I mean I don't think anyone could even proof-text scripture to make a case for that.

I like it when they take a look at the UMC Book of Discipline and find there is nothing against transgendered people in it. I mean whatever happened to the gift of discernment, whatever happened to “scripture alone” as our final authority on all matters. The burden of proof does not totally lie on the church to prove it wrong; there is as much burden on the pastor to prove that it is biblical and scripture supported.

I think you hit it head on Mikey when you said, “Its like saying God made me wrong.” If someone was to claim that, they better have some explanation to back that claim up rather than just “That’s how I know myself.”

If you were to imagine George Whitefield or John Wesley here today, this situation wouldn’t fly at all. The UMC has got to return to a Gospel and scripture centered church or they will be following the Episcopal Church into an even more liberal practice and theology.

Walk said...

I ran across this verse the other day.

"A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God" (Dt. 22:5).