This coming Thursday the Hangout is going to head on over to the good ole Cleveland County Fair. We'll meet over at the Renfroe Center (map) @ 6 PM on Thursday ( 10/5) and leave from there. Yall be sure to bring someone with ya, and lets just see how big a crowd we can roll up with to the Fair. See ya'll tomorrow at the service.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
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It's Gonna Be Awesome! |
Everyone who reads this needs to make sure they come to the Foundation Worship Service this Sunday Oct. 1st @ 1:30 in the Aldersgate Gym.
Man we are pumped up about the next 3 weeks, they are gonna be awesome. This Sunday's service we will be sharing the Vision for The Foundation and where we see God leading us. Rest assured you will get pumped up on Sunday when you see how much God has been doing in this ministry so far and where he is leading us to go next. So much has happened in the past week, that it is ridiculous... God has been opening doors left and right...You won't want to miss this. There will be another Service Oct. 15 that we believe is going to change people's lives, so begin planning to come and invite people to these next two services. It's gonna be awesome... and that's all I got to say about that.
Any questions email us:
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
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Is Religion Making Us Fat? |
Is religion making us fat? Cathleen Falsani from the Chicago Sun-Times addresses this question in a recent article and gives us some interesting things to think about. Check out this quote from the article:
"he found there were more obese people in states with larger populations of folks claiming a religious affiliation than elsewhere -- particularly in states with the most Baptists."
"If they don't drink and don't smoke, what do they do?
Eat, apparently."
Interesting stuff huh? So basically we have replaced the bad habits of drinking and smoking with the habit of gluttony? Interesting thought. So what about the Baptists who eat, drink and smoke? I guess they are up the creek without a paddle!
I always new casseroles were from the Devil, haha, but you honestly can't beat a good fellowship meal after church. Some of my fondest memories from growing up in church were all the great Homecoming Meals at church and getting to eat Geraldine's famous chicken salad. Gosh, that was soo good. But thinking about this, I actually stayed for a meal after church last Sunday and I remember being told, "Alright Chance we are gonna have to see how much you can eat today?" So maybe this article carries some weight afterall.
I guess before long the new fad in churches won't be Family Life Center's but Atkins Approved Fellowship Meals!
Anyways check out the article in Sun-Times by clicking here
So what ya think, have we just replaced drunkeness with gluttony in the church?
Sunday, September 17, 2006
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Rock and a Hard Place |
Have you ever been in between a rock and a hard place, in a situation in which none of your options were good and you felt as if you had to simply choose the lesser of two evils? Abraham was in a similar situation as this one time. Genesis 12:10-20 says that there was a famine in the land of Canaan and Abram was forced to go down to Egypt to look for food. However, before he entered Egypt he told his wife to pretend to be his sister. Abram did this because he was afraid that one of the Egyptians would kill him and then marry Sari, which must have been a culturally acceptable practice 4000 years ago. Next, Abram did something almost unthinkable. When Pharaoh noticed how beautiful Sari was, Abram gave her over to Pharaoh to be his wife in exchange for material goods, sheep, cattle, donkeys, and servants. One of the most horrible things I could ever picture is giving my beloved wife to another man. However, before we are too hard on Abram we must remember that he did not have many options. Either he let his family die of famine in the land of Canaan, or be killed and have his wife stripped away from him anyway. This was the only option, (or so he thought) to keep all of his family alive. However, God did something unexpected. He intervened. The Lord struck Pharaoh with a disease and evidently made him realize that Sari was Abram’s wife not his sister. Pharaoh then made Abram leave the country in shame. However, Abram got Sari back, and escaped with his life. From this I guess we can remember that when we are in between a rock and a hard place, we should remember that God can intervene and give us options we did not realize existed. He can restore what is already broken, and mend mistakes we have made. Let’s remember to be patient and wait for his rescue.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
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Does God Want You to be Rich? |
If you didn't know, TIME Magazine's cover story this week is the above title: Does God Want You to be Rich? I think its a pretty interesting article and the fact that it is getting national publicity from Time may or may not be a good thing. This article relates directly to some of the comments I made on my previous blog on Left Behind. So yall check out the article and let's hear your thoughts on the Prosperity Gospel. I've included a link to a photo essay on God and Dollars from Time as well.
Time Magazine Article
CNN article on Time Cover Story
Photo Essay: God and Dollars
Sunday, September 10, 2006
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Calvinism vs. Arminianism Part II: Total Depravity |
In the second blog of this series I am going to talk about the doctrine of Total Depravity as Calvinism teaches it and also about free will. In the next blog I will talk about irresistible grace.
Total Depravity is the teaching that every part of man was affected by the fall, his body, mind, heart, emotions and even his free will.
1. Man’s fall from God is total.
There is no one that seeks God, no one that seeks holiness and no one that seeks what is right.
2. Everything man does is sin.
“…everything that does not come from faith is sin.” (Romans 14: 23)
3. Man’s inability to submit to God is total
“Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.” (Romans 8:5-8)
Free Will
1. Conception
- We must be able to conceive of an idea before we can desire, choose, and accomplish it.
- But we cannot conceive of something beyond our ability or nature to conceive.
- I can’t conceive of something I can’t conceive of.
2. Desire
- We can only desire what we can conceive.
- I can conceive of becoming a huge bird, so I can also desire it.
3. Choice
- We can only choose what we can desire.
- But we cannot choose beyond or ability or nature to choose.
- I am free to try to attempt to accomplish my desires
4. Accomplish
- We can only accomplish what can be chosen to accomplish.
- This doesn’t mean I can accomplish all my choices.
- I can conceive of becoming a huge bird but I cannot accomplish it because I cannot violate my own nature.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
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munchies back? |
So, it’s been a while, I know. I can only guess the amount of confusion and disappointment yall must have been experiencing with out my contributions to the awesomeness that is aka, The Foundation. So I’ll think, what topic from my grab bag of assorted things to make people think will I pick. How about this one; living in the world, but not being of the world.
The bible says in at least two places that a person gained favor with God and man, the first is David and then about Jesus after the temple incident when he was 12 (its in Luke, any help with the bible verses would be appreciated). This is a little confusing because Jesus also says that the world will hate you(John 15:21). Somewhere, something has to give. Personally, I kinda want people to like me, even people who aren’t Christians. This might be selfish, but I still want people to like me.
I think the difference comes between the world and people. The world sets standards that are basically evil. The world barrages us with porn even in commercials and we grow so accustomed to things like this that we don’t recognize it as porn. People on the other hand we can respect. People have opinions of their own. That being said, the best way to get people to like you is to just be Christian. Christians should by nature be servants and all around really nice people. Who wouldn’t like someone who respects and actually loves them? In the book, The Cost of Discipleship, Bonhoffer (someone check my spelling) wrote that if we act like Christians, we shouldn’t have to worry about governments persecuting us, because we should be model citizens, only doing good things.
So maybe this muchie is a little shorter, and not quite so much thinking about things as I would have liked, but maybe its enough to make you think and remember, that while we are not of this world, we are in this world, and it is very important to the world, what they world thinks of us. (think on that grammar anomaly)
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
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"Praise the Lord, Pass the Ammo" |
Sometimes Christian's bother me. Especially those who try to get rich off of the gospel. Some of you may have read the Left Behind books and I'm sure they may be good, but with the release of a Left Behind video game, were you join in during the epic battle with the AntiChrist, somehow I just can't help but question someone's motives. Even though the concept sounds cool, and actually might make for a fun game, I have a problem when LaHaye and company boast the game as a method to share the gospel and reach the lost. Afterall LaHaye says, "Our real goal is to have no one left behind." So in a game where you are killing those who lack the faith, what gospel are we sharing? Here's a quote from an article on the topic:
Yes, but reach them with what message? Convert or we’ll kill you? The message is more al Qaeda than agape; more Bin Laden than Bible. It makes me wonder if anyone who developed the game has ever actually read the New Testament.
Makes me think. I don't have a problem with the game at all. Actually it seems like it has potential to be fun, but let's not go around trying to market the game in church. This is a concept the creators believe is going to happen. In fact, the CEO of Left Behind Games said, "megachurches are very likely to embrace this game."
How about we let Best Buy do the advertising for the game and let's focus on the real gospel in Church. The last thing we need is more "Christian" junk thrown at us by people trying to get rich by slapping the label "Christian" on their product!
What do yall think about this? Should we be promoting this to share the gospel?
Here's an article which goes into more detail about the game: LINK
Check out the game website here: LINK
Saturday, September 02, 2006
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Directions to GroupLink Shindig |
Here's a link for Yahoo Maps directions to the GroupLink Shindig, starting from the football stadium at GWU. If you are coming from somewhere else you should be able to change your starting location. Shindig starts at 2pm on Saturday 9/2 for those who are interested in small groups.
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Foundation Calendar |
We now have a Google Calendar for The Foundation. This is kinda cool because you can see when the upcoming events are, and if you click the event you can see the time and place. You can also click a button in each event that allows you to get a Map of the location for directions to that event.
Click the Google Calendar button in this blog or on the sidebar of the site to access our calendar.