Pope Benedict XVI must have caught the Christmas fever as well, because he is in a particularly generous mood. The Pope is offering relief from purgatory to Roman Catholics who travel to Lourdes to pray to the shrine dedicated to the Madonna of Lourdes.
There is no need to worry if you won't be able to make the trip, Pope Benedict has made provisions. Just pray at places of worship dedicated to the Madonna of Lourdes from Feb. 2 to Feb. 11.
And we were supposed to think the RCC stopped offering plenary indulgences after that whole deal we call the Reformation.
No thanks, I'll just cling to the perfect righteousness that Jesus accomplished on my behalf through his substitutionary work on the cross as my sinless sin bearer.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
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Get out of Purgatory (I mean Jail) Free Card |
Monday, December 10, 2007
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O Holy Night |
A lot of Christmas songs that we sing are extremely well written songs that contain deep biblical truths. It is a shame that they have been deemed “Christmas songs” in the modern sense and are reserved for Christmas time only by unwritten laws.
O Holy Night is definitely one of my favorite Christmas songs. Parts of it remind me somewhat of Paul’s prayers and writings in the first part of Ephesians, where he points us to the glory of God and the treasures and riches that are found in Christ.
I have heard that it is also the first ever music to be broadcasted over radio. I think someone played it on the violin maybe. Here is a video of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra performing it, they do an awesome job with it. It starts in the second half of the video after O Come all Ye Faithful (which is also very good).
Oh holy night! The stars are brightly shining,
It is the night of the dear Saviour's birth.
Long lay the world in sin and error pining,
Till He appear'd and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices!
Oh night divine, Oh night when Christ was born;
Oh night divine, Oh night, Oh night Divine.
Led by the light of Faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand.
So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming,
Here come the wise men from Orient land.
The King of Kings lay thus in lowly manger;
In all our trials born to be our friend.
He knows our need, to our weakness is no stranger,
Behold your King! Before Him lowly bend!
Behold your King, Behold your King.
Truly He taught us to love one another;
His law is love and His gospel is peace.
Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother;
And in His name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise His holy name.
Christ is the Lord! O praise His Name forever,
His power and glory evermore proclaim.
His power and glory evermore proclaim.
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Rob Bell: Hippier-Than-Thou Pastor |
Creative title huh? Well I can't take credit for it...Time Magazine released an article by the same title that is all about the culturally-savvy, megachurch pastor, Rob Bell. There is much discussion these days on the blogosphere concerning Rob Bell--1/3 love him, 1/3 hate him, and 1/3 can't decide what to think. I had the joy of hearing Rob speak at a conference several years ago and I will have to say that he is one of the best communicators I have ever heard. The message he delivered that day is one of the best sermons I have ever heard on many different levels. He hopped around the stage like a rapper with the mic, who was laying down a hot track, yet in the same manner he was able to passionately explain the Gospel message. If any one person fits all of the Evangelical "buzz words," (Emergent, Creative, Relevant, Emerging, Missional) that person would be Rob Bell. Some have claimed him as the heir to Billy Graham, while others have claimed him as a heretic. Love him or hate him, call him a hippy, a heretic, a genius, a geek, or a saint, Rob Bell is here to stay and is having a huge influence on the Church in America.
Check out the Time Magazine article: The Hippier-Than-Thou Pastor
Has anyone ever heard Rob Bell in person, read his books, listened to a podcast, or watched a NOOMA video? If so any, any discussion on the topic?
Thursday, December 06, 2007
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Box Update- Ephesians Study Notes |
The Foundation Box has been updated with notes from two previous Wednesday night services. Notes from Webb's teaching on Husbands and Wives will be uploaded soon. To download or print these notes you can visit our Box or you can direct download the files below.
Ephesians 5.1-10 (Ephesians Series. Sermon Notes. 11-14-07)
Ephesians 5.10-21 (Ephesians Series. Sermon Notes. 11-28-07)
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
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The Golden Compass: What's the Deal? |
I will have to say that it was not until recently that I became aware of The Golden Compass, Phillip Pullman or the His Dark Materials trilogy. But after reading several articles online and several interviews with Pullman it is very clear that his agenda in these books is to destroy the Christian church and to debunk the idea of God. Just think of this trilogy as the polar opposite of Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. In fact Pullman described Lewis's work as "one of the most ugly and poisonous things I ever read."
So what's the deal? Should we protest, picket, hoot and holler, and raise a ruckus at the movie theater when The Golden Compass releases? Well, No....I don't think so...but I do believe that we should be informed. You should "always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."(1Peter 3.15) It is quite possible that within the next week at work, school, church or the grocery store that this movie will come up in conversation as well as the subversive themes it portrays. And if that is the case then we need not be ignorant, rather we should be informed and ready to talk about the issues that come up. I can see the biggest challenge coming from uninformed parents and family members who take their kids to see the movie...the kids love the movie and then for Christmas the parents buy them the entire trilogy all the while not realizing that the books are about killing God, the idea of the Christian church and original sin.
So, if you are a parent I hope that you especially will do some research and become informed on Pullman and the trilogy from which this movie is based upon. I also hope that you will do some thoughtful consideration when deciding if your child should be allowed to watch this movie and even more so when it comes to reading the books. On another note, the movie should actually be good and for that reason I am excited about watching it....not to mention it has the new James Bond actor as a character and he was awesome!
"Atheists express their rage against God although in their view He does not exist." --C. S. Lewis
"A great many of those who 'debunk' traditional...values have in the background values of their own which they believe to be immune from the debunking process." C.S. Lewis--The Abolition of Man
The Golden Compass--A Briefing for Concerned Christians -- Albert Mohler
'The Golden Compass'--Does Not Point to True North -- Ben Witherington III
Is 'Golden Compass' selling atheism to kids? -- CNN Article
Religion Row Hits Pullman Epic -- UK Observer
"The Golden Compass" Sparks Protest -- The Catholic League
Monday, December 03, 2007
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A Good Soldier |
John MacArthur has an excellent article on the marks of a good soldier. He says the marks of a good soldier are (1) Willingness to suffer hardship with the rest of the soldiers (2) Being on 24/7 active duty and a separation from "normal life" and (3) A desire to please the one who enlisted him as a soldier.
A Good Soldier
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
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Wednesday Night Meeting and Carl Cartee |
Just a reminder that we will be meeting back at the Renfro Center
Basement this Wednesday (tomorrow) at 7pm. We'll be continuing our study on Ephesians with a look at Ch. 5. 10-21 which is an awesome passage.
Also this Saturday @ 7pm there is a Carl Cartee concert at
Gardner-Webb and the admission is a non-perishable canned food item. We will be getting a group together to go and will make plans after tomorrow's meeting. If you'd like to go and won't make it to the meeting tomorrow please contact us.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
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New Podcasts: Ephesians Series |
Just updated the Foundation Podcast with two recent messages from the Ephesians Series. Visit the podcast site or click below for direct downloads. Share and Enjoy!
Changing Your Clothes: Ephesians 4.20-32
Walk in Love: Ephesians 5.1-10
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
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The Beloved Disciple and Lazarus? |
When I found out several months ago that Dr. Ben Witherington III would be visiting a local church here in Shelby and that he would be giving a lecture, I knew that I didn't want to miss out on the opportunity. And...I'm glad I didn't.
Dr. Witherington's lecture was one of the most interesting lectures I've ever sat through and it was on the topic of the Beloved Disciple mentioned in the Gospel of John. The traditional view, and the view that I grew up hearing from Sunday School, was that the Beloved Disciple was John son of Zebedee, the disciple, who was also part of Jesus' "Inner Three" consisting of Peter, James and John. This John was also the same person who wrote the book of Revelation from Patmos and the three letters of John. It is traditionally taught that John is just referring to himself as the Beloved Disciple in his Gospel and that, for the most part, is what most people believe.
Well Dr. Witherington certainly threw a monkey in that wrench! Not only did he present the idea that the Beloved Disciple(BD) was not John, son of Zebedee, but that the BD was in fact Lazarus. And on top of that, Lazarus was in fact the one who wrote most of the Gospel of John, or at the least, it was put together from a collection of his memoirs.
Interesting stuff huh? Well if this does interest you and you'd like to read Dr. Witherington's arguments for this position, he conveniently posted the lecture up to his blog and you can read it here.
If Dr. Witherington is correct about Lazarus then how does that affect the way we preach the Gospel of John? Or does anything even change? Would the Bible be any less powerful if Lazarus wrote a gospel instead of one of the disciples? Wasn't he a disciple of Jesus too, even if he wasn't one of the 12?
I encourage you to read the lecture from Dr. Witherington and as well as his blog. If you read the lecture, please share your thoughts on the topic as well as anything from the lecture you agree/disagree with. Below is the link to the lecture:
Was Lazarus the Beloved Disciple?
Friday, November 09, 2007
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Ephesians Study Notes for Chapter 4.20-32 |
Just updated the Foundation Box with the sermon notes from Ephesians 4.20-32. You can check out our Box to download any of the previous files from the Ephesians Series.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
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Feed Your Brain |
This being the 21st century and all, we are not flying around in personal space craft wielding lightsabers like in Star Wars, or chasing after the last drop of fuel like in Mad Max, but we do have access to more information than ever before.
We have access to the works of some of the greatest minds in Christian History and yet we choose to fill our minds with the latest Tim Lahaye book, or waste our time reading the most popular and coolest emergent book out right now. It's sad, I know.
There are plenty of good(and free) online sources, but I wanted to point out three that I think are good.
The first one is Reclaiming the Mind. It is basically an online theology program covering all the basic areas of Systematic Theology. It also has a library of Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) papers from a range of different contributors. It is backed by the likes of JP Moreland, John Frame, Roger Olson, Sam Storms, William Lane Craig, etc, and best of all it's FREE.
The second one is Biblical Training. It is sort of like an online Seminary. They go into actual seminary classes and record classes for the whole semester. They have classes ranging from Old and New Testament survey classes, Systematic Theology, Church History, Apologetics, World Religions, and even new believer classes, all for free. These courses are taught by some of the top scholars from various Seminaries, including Craig Blomberg, Bruce Ware, John Piper, etc. It's also endorsed by J.I. Packer if that name means anything to you. The goal of this is to help train pastors and missionaries in the field who don't have access to information like this, or can't afford to go to seminary.
The third one is Faith by Hearing. It is a huge collection of sermons and lectures from almost everyone imaginable. So download them put them on your iPod and learn a little something. You got to love their banner with all those guys with iPods, good stuff. I recognize Martin Luther, John Owen, and Jonathan Edwards, I don't know who the others are.
Anyway, take advantage of all the resources we have access to today. You don't have to go to seminary or have a huge library to get the training and resources you need. It is kind of ironic that while we have more access to information than ever before in Christian History, Biblical literacy is at its lowest point.
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Box Update |
Just updated The Foundation Box with notes from our study on Ephesians 4.11-16. (Download here)
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
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Super-Bad |
I know, I know, you aren't supposed to brag, but by golly my new Bible is bad-to-da-bone. As my brother would say, "it's Metal." This is the new ESV Thinline Tru-Tone series of Bibles available from Crossway. But you can save yourself $10 if you buy it from Amazon for the great price of $19.79. They offer about ten different cover designs that all rock.
Check them out here.
PS- I know our good buddy Steven Staton will buy one because he certainly is Metal and loves rockin' an awesome Bible.
Monday, November 05, 2007
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Alcohol and the Christian: Do they mix? |
It seems rare that even a month will go by in my life where the topic of alcohol and the Christian does not come up. It comes up all the time. Our ministry is non-denominational with people coming from many different denominational backgrounds: Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, Pentecostals, and so on, which at times can lead to a difference of opinion. It also seems that about every 3rd odd day I'll hear some joke about a Methodist drinking at the bar or the Southern Baptist hiding in the basement sippin on some Kentucky Gentleman. Our worship leader is Methodist...my girlfriend is Methodist...and I'm the lonely Baptist, so you see the dilemma I'm in right? Or is it really a dilemma? Do we have different views? I'm not quite sure, but there is one thing that is certain: alcohol is everywhere and Christians drink. As my opinion has changed many times over on this topic, I find myself growing, what would appear as, more liberal in my opinion on alcohol and the Christian and constantly battling with the teetotalism taught to me in the Baptist church. Don't get me wrong: abuse of alcohol and being a drunk certainly is a sin, but it is no more of a sin than being a glutton and overdoing yourself in the buffet line. Methodists go to the bar and Southern Baptists go to the buffet and to each is his own vice. Gluttony and drunkenness are both sins and one shouldn't be used as an excuse for the other.
So what am I saying? Well, I'm not going to take the time to develop my opinion in this post but let's just say that I'm certainly not a teetotalist who believes that one must abstain from alcohol, nor am I a Silly-Billy who will use my freedom in Christ as an excuse to get drunk. I do believe being drunk is a sin on all occasions but drinking alcohol in itself is not a sin. And that's about as far as I'll go in this post, but I do want you to read a couple other well worthy reads....especially the iMonk's post about the hypocrisy in the Baptist Church when it comes to alcohol use. I also hope you'll take the time to comment with your own views on alcohol and the Christian. Do they mix? What is your opinion? Should Christians stay away from alcohol in public? Should Christians drink at all? Is it not OK to drink a cold one at the bar as long as it is in moderation? What do ya think?
One Big, Happy, Lie: Southern Baptists, Alcohol and Me
Alcohol and the Bible
Friday, November 02, 2007
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Church Protests Dead Marine's Funeral? |
I ran across this article this morning about some crazy fundamentalist Kansas church that actually went to a dead Marine's funeral with signs that said, “God hates fags” and “Thank God for dead soldiers.” Oh, and the protest had nothing to do with that specific Marine. In fact, these wackos regularly "argue that U.S. troops are dying as punishment for America’s tolerance of homosexuality."
This type of stuff really makes me angry and at the same time it hurts because it's churches(hate groups) like this who are destroying the testimony of the Church as a whole. How in the heck could anyone think that something so screwed up as this brings any glory to God? In fact I think God probably wouldn't be so mad if someone punched them in the face for their stupidity...I know I'd sure like to...
Anyways, evidently I'm not the only one who thinks this is ridiculous because a jury awarded the family of the Marine $11 million in punitive and compensatory damages that the church, Westboro Baptist, will now have to pay after the family filled an invasion of privacy lawsuit. I couldn't agree more with this ruling and I think the church should face consequences for their actions...but that's just my opinion. What's yours? How do we as Christians respond or react to obviously false churches like this one? Do we sit back and be quiet while they destroy the testimony and image of the Church? Do we speak up and call them out? Let's hear what you think.
Baltimore Sun Article on Lawsuit
Wikipedia article on Westboro Baptist
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
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Halloween Night Service |
Happy Halloween! We'll be having our service at the normal time tonight (7pm) in the Renfro basement. Wear your costume to the meeting and afterwards we'll be heading over to Spoon's house for the Halloween party. Mary is bringing some pumpkins to carve and everyone else is welcome to bring their favorite candy/food to munch on.
If you have questions contact us!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
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Sermon Jams |
Have you ever wondered what Alistair Begg, Joshua Harris, John Piper, Driscoll, Ravi and others sound like to music? Well now there is no need to wonder.
10:31 Sermon Jams has put together sermon excerpts from all of those guys and put them to music. Relevant revolution also has some as well.
Alistair Begg is quickly becoming one of the pastors I love to listen to and learn from. I think it is a combination of his accent, humor, frankness, theological clarity, and his sense of urgency and seriousness when it comes to the Gospel. It kind of stinks that he comes on the radio in Charlotte when everybody is supposed to be in the bed.
Here are some notable sermon jams to check out:
Alistair Begg - Careful
Mark Driscoll - Idols
John Piper - Check Yourself
Josh Harris - Cross Centered
Ravi - Pride
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ESV Reformation Study Bible |
You might have heard us mentioning the ESV translation or noticed that we've been teaching from it a fair amount over the past couple months. If you've been wanting to buy a new Bible or wanting to check out the ESV you might want to take advantage of the sale happening on Wednesday for the ESV Reformation Study Bible. Order Here. (Only on Wednesday- Not
Before or After) This study Bible is edited by R.C. Sproul and the ESV is endorsed by John Piper and so, by my calculations, that would make this a pretty trustworthy Bible to have. Check it out if you are interested.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
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Dose of Spurgeon |
'Salvation is of the Lord.'-Jonah 2:9
Salvation is the work of God. It is He alone who quickens the soul 'dead in trespasses and sins,' and it is He also who maintains the soul in its spiritual life. He is both 'Alpha and Omega.' 'Salvation is of the Lord.' If I am prayerful, God makes me prayerful; if I have graces, they are God's gifts to me; if I hold on in a consistent life, it is because He upholds me with His hand. I do nothing whatever towards my own preservation, except what God Himself first does in me. Whatever I have, all my goodness is of the Lord alone. Wherein I sin, that is my own; but wherein I act rightly, that is of God, wholly and completely. If I have repulsed a spiritual enemy, the Lord's strength nerved my arm. Do I live before men a consecrated life? It is not I, but Christ who liveth in me. Am I sanctified? I did not cleanse myself: God's Holy Spirit sanctifies me. Am I weaned from the world? I am weaned by God's chastisements sanctified to my good. Do I grow in knowledge? The great Instructor teaches me.
All my jewels were fashioned by heavenly art. I find in God all that I want; but I find in myself nothing but sin and misery. 'He only is my rock and my salvation.' Do I feed on the Word? That Word would be no food for me unless the Lord made it food for my soul, and helped me to feed upon it. Do I live on the manna which comes down from heaven? What is that manna but Jesus Christ himself incarnate, whose body and whose blood I eat and drink? Am I continually receiving fresh increase of strength? Where do I gather my might? My help cometh from heaven's hills: without Jesus I can do nothing. As a branch cannot bring forth fruit except it abide in the vine, no more can I, except I abide in Him. What Jonah learned in the great deep, let me learn this morning in my closet: 'Salvation is of the Lord.'
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
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Poor Boy's Cookbook |
Because I don't already have enough things to do--I decided to take on the task of creating a new blog. Unlike this blog, the new blog will will have nothing to do with ministry and everything to do with food. Sound strange? Why would he do that, you might ask? Well now that I've bought a house and have a culinary genius living with me, one could not help but create great food.
So please welcome to the blogosphere the Poor Boy's Cookbook. Just as a taste of what the new blog will offer, here is a quote from the first post:
"This blog will serve as a culinary platform to share with mankind the genius that is found within the minds of one Lazy Man and one School Teacher. They are two bachelors in their 20's sharing a home together and have no money. The School Teacher makes dimes and nickels working for the school system but loses all of his hard earned money to "the man" and to the mortgage company since they own his newly purchased home. The Lazy Man is a professional college student with no job, but a strong passion for cooking and the creative mind to fuel that passion."
I hope you'll check the blog out from time to time(you'll find a link in the side menu of this blog) as we will be posting up a variety of recipes that we create as well as various other cooking/food related posts. All of the recipes on the blog will be original recipes from our kitchen and most of them will come from our culinary experiments. Each post will contain a recipe card that can be enlarged and printed for your use. These recipes are taste tested and Wesson approved, and as you know if it's approved by a Wesson then it will taste pretty darn good. Not to mention, if its made by two bachelors then you know its gonna be cheap and quick to prepare. So please share and enjoy!
Poor Boy's Cookbook
Monday, October 22, 2007
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Ephesisans Series Notes- Updated |
Just uploaded notes from the Ephesians Series and they can be found in our wonderful new friend called The Box Widget. Click on the file you'd like to download below in the widget or you can just view our Box.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
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9Marks Book Study Highlights: Chapter 2 |
Biblical Theology. The next mark of a healthy church according to Mark Dever is Biblical Theology. Why is this important you might ask? Well I think it is pretty obvious that biblical illiteracy is a huge problem in America and especially among Christians. Christians just don't read their Bible and when they do it's seldom that they come to a right understanding of the theology contained in pages they read. Part of the problem is very much related to the first mark, Expositional Preaching, or really the lack-there-of. Pastors just don't preach expositionally very often anymore and since very few of their church members actually read their Bible outside of Sunday morning it is no wonder that people have a screwed up understanding of Biblical Theology. So here are the points we learned from this chapter and hopefully you'll realize, like us, that Biblical Theology is very, very important:
- In society today, beliefs have been domesticated. People no longer fight for them and may not even care about them anymore.
- Today people believe to be true simply what they desire to be true.
- People need to have a "metanarrative" or meaning in their life.
- God is a creating, holy, faithful, loving and sovereign God.
- Sound teaching in our church must include a clear commitment to the teachings of the Bible, even if those teachings are often neglected.
- The Bible shows us very plainly that God is a creating God and the He is an electing God.
- God has a passion for holiness and is not unconcerned with His creation.
- The language of covenant is the language of personal relationship.
- The sacrifices of the OT showed that purification was needed, and that sin is so serious that death is needed to atone for it--that salvation and forgiveness are costly.
- If you think people are basically good, then a church is simply a place where we seek encouragement or perhaps the enhancement of our self-esteem.
- If you think that we are spiritually dead, then the church needs to present the Gospel clearly and tell people how to find forgiveness and new life.
- Jesus Christ was the faithful fulfillment of God's promise to redeem us into a restored relationship with Himself.
- God will continue to care for us and His continuing care is based not on our faithfulness but on His.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
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More Church Programming = More Spiritual Growth? |
Here's the question: Does the spiritual maturity of a believer correlate to their level of church activity?
Some would certainly agree with that statement and come to the conclusion that those who are most active in church are the one's who are most mature in their faith...you know the the kind of people who tithe, serve, and show love for others like Christ has done unto us.
Well, Willow Creek Church, the nation's 2nd largest church, has been doing some research to see if their church model, which is highly programmatic, has been successful in producing growing disciples. If you don't know about Bill Hybels and Willow Creek he was basically the Rick Warren before there was Rick Warren. His influence on Evangelical Christianity in America has been huge and the philosophy and methods implemented at Willow Creek have shaped the way America does church in many tangible ways. I'll spare you the history lesson and get to the point: Willow Creek's research (called Reveal) concluded that what they thought was working actually wasn't.
They found that there is no significant correlation between the level of church activity and the level of spiritual growth. So basically...just because a person goes to church every time the doors are open, it doesn't mean that they are growing spiritually. Hmmm...well what about if they are involved in small groups, and go through discipleship classes, and go on trips with the youth? Still no significant correlation. So what did the research find?
Speaking at a Leadership Conference, Bill Hybels said:
"Some of the stuff that we have put millions of dollars into thinking it would really help our people grow and develop spiritually, when the data actually came back it wasn’t helping people that much. Other things that we didn’t put that much money into and didn’t put much staff against is stuff our people are crying out for."
Another author from Leadership Journal blog wrote:
"In other words, spiritual growth doesn’t happen best by becoming dependent on elaborate church programs but through the age old spiritual practices of prayer, bible reading, and relationships. And, ironically, these basic disciplines do not require multi-million dollar facilities and hundreds of staff to manage."
I encourage you to read more on this because it has some huge implications on church methodology and your own spiritual growth. Growing up in a Baptist church where programming was highly emphasized, I believe this research could have the potential to reshape the way church is done everywhere.
Check the research out yourself and leave your comments on how you think this could change the way we should "do church":
REVEAL Key Findings
Out of Ur Blog on Research
Willow: Teach People to Feed Themselves
(click to enlarge)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
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9Marks Book Study Highlights: Chapter 1 |
So far our book study on 9 Marks of a Healthy Church has been terrific. We have been challenged and stretched in the way we view ministry and the methods we use to carry it out. We have seen God affirm in us, through this book, some of the recent changes in the style/format of the Foundation services and believe we are heading in the right direction. It just so happens that one of the major changes we made in our services happens to be the the first of the 9Marks according to Mark Dever; expositional preaching. We have committed to preaching and teaching the Word of God like never before. We are deliberately making the preaching and teaching of the Word as a central part of the Foundation Ministry and trust that God will be honored by that . Check out some key ideas we gathered from Chapter 1 of 9Marks:
Chapter 1:
- The first mark of a healthy church is expositional preaching.
- The main role of any pastor is expositional preaching.
- Expositional preaching contrasts with a topical sermon.
- A topical sermon begins with what the preacher wants to preach about.
- An expositional sermon makes the point of the message the point of a particular passage of Scripture.
- A pastor who doesn’t regularly preach expositionally will never preach more than they knew when they began the whole exercise.
- Pastors shouldn’t use Scripture as an excuse for what they already want to say.
- God’s Word is the instrument chosen by Him to bring life.
- The Word shows us what to believe.
- It is in Christ that the Word of God has fully and finally come to us.
- God’s Word not only gives us life; it also gives us direction and it keeps shaping and molding us in the image of the God who is speaking to us.
- All of us, by our sinful nature, are looking for ways to justify our sins against God. We want to know how we can defend ourselves from God’s charges. Therefore we are in desperate need to hear God’s Word brought honestly to us, so that we don’t just hear what we want to hear but rather hear what God has actually said.
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Joel Osteen on 60 Minutes |
60 minutes has just aired a TV special on America’s most popular pastor. With a church membership of approximately 47000, Lakewood Church in Houston Texas is the largest church in America. Osteen's services are broadcasted all over the world with millions tuning in every week. And oh yeah by the way, he can bench press 300 lbs and cry on demand.
I thought the reporter did a good job, I don’t think he was buying all the stuff Osteen was yapping about. It seems like the reporter understood Christianity well enough to figure out the problem with Osteen. He kept pointing out the similarities between Osteen’s teaching and the teaching of Dr. Phil or Oprah. He also could spot the dangers in telling everyone that they will be rich and happy.
I was also glad 60 minutes brought on somebody like Michael Horton; it is very rare shows like this bring on someone of his caliber. Too bad he only got like 30 seconds of show time with 20 seconds showing him walking up stairs. But I think what they showed of Dr. Horton was good, I am surprised that they showed what they did. He was able to squeeze out a few phrases such as cotton candy gospel, fortune cookie, easy listening, and heresy. Dr. Horton is a professor at Westminster Seminary, he is also the editor of Modern Reformation magazine, and part of the White Horse Inn radio talk show.
None of this changes the fact that he is still deceiving millions with his distorted Gospel, and making millions if I might add. I am starting to think that he knows exactly what he is doing. He knows there is lots of money to be made from new age self help as well as Christianity, so why not combine them. When you need to talk about self help topics draw from your new age sources, and when you talk about something that can be supported from the Bible, use that.
The Internetmonk has a good article on the 60 minutes piece as well, so take a look at it if you can.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
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Extreme Makeover: A Year Following every law the Bible |
Here is an interesting article about a guy who spent one year trying to follow every rule in the Bible.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
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John Piper: The State of the Pulpit Today |
Here is an interesting video from Piper I found from the Gospel Coalition website.
It really blows my mind to see people like John Piper, who have studied and preached the truths found in the Gospel for a long time, but are still just as passionate and consumed by these truth as they were when they first learned them. It seems like each time they go to preach, they are excited by what God is teaching them through the scriptures. They do not try to preach the latest fad, they are not afraid to teach the Bible even though the surveys, and cultural experts say that is not the way to draw a crowd or reach people today. They are confident that the Gospel can change lives. We need more pastors like that, it is definitely refreshing and encouraging to see long time pastors still passionate about the Gospel.
Romans 1:16
1 Corinthians 1:18-30
Also, I just got my ESV. I think I am gonna switch over to it as my main translation. The only problem is alot of the passages I know are in the NIV. But, I really like the ESV, I have been reading and using it when I am online, so I would highly recommend at least buying a copy if you can afford it. You don't have to switch over, but it is definitely a translation I would have. Any thoughts?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
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Wednesday Night Meeting 9/26 |
The Foundation will be meeting tomorrow night (Wednesday) at 7pm in the Renfro Center basement. We are now in our 5th week of the Ephesians Study Series and will be focusing on Ephesians 3.14-21 and Paul's prayer for the believers. The title of the teaching is "Unleashed." Be sure to bring your Bible and something to write with.
Upcoming News: Next Wednesday we will be going to the Cleveland County Fair as a group after our weekly meeting. We are moving the service time up to 6:00PM. We are starting an hour earlier so that we can get out to the fair somewhat early. Be sure to invite a bunch of friends next week!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
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9Marks Book Study Highlights-- Part 1 |
As the Vision Team(Aaron,Jonathan,Chance) has been meeting weekly to plan and prepare for the present as well as the future for The Foundation, we realized that we needed to do a better job of studying and growing together as a leadership team. To accomplish that task we are currently reading a book entitled: 9 Marks of a Healthy Church, written by Mark Dever. So far the book has been awesome and we would like to share some of the things we are learning as we move along through the book. I hope these posts will be helpful to you and that you might see The Foundation putting more emphasis on some of the healthy characteristics for the Body. Here are the notes from the Preface and Introduction:
- Unhealthy churches cause few problems on mature-healthy Christians but are serious deterrents in the growth of young Christians.
- Bad churches are very effective anti-missionary forces.
- The local church is God’s evangelism plan.
- The local church isn’t an option for us; it’s the shape of you following Jesus.
- If we want to be more biblical in our evangelism, then we will find ourselves devoting more time to praying for the lost in our personal prayer times.
- Preaching of the Gospel and proper administration of baptism and the Lord’s Supper have been regarded as the marks of a true church by Protestants since the Reformation.
- The exaltation of numbers and technique are two easily recognizable hallmarks of secularization in American churches.
- Three Major Church Models: Liberal, Seeker-Sensitive, and Traditional
- All three assume that evident relevance and response is a true indicator of success. (Social Ministries/Liberal—Music/Seeker-Sensitive—Programs/Traditional)
- It is dangerous to assume that the fruit of a successful church is readily apparent.
- God’s word is well-stocked with images of delayed blessing.
- “Biblically, we must realize that the size of what our eyes see is rarely a good way to estimate the greatness of something in the eyes of God”
- A successful ministry is one that is demonstrably faithful to God’s Word.
- The preaching of the message and the leading of disciples are two basic needs in our churches.
- The 9Marks: Expositional Preaching, Biblical Theology, The Gospel, Biblical Understanding of Conversion, Biblical Understanding or Evangelism, Biblical Understanding of Church Membership, Biblical Church Discipline, Concern for Discipleship and Growth, and Biblical Church Leadership.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
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Ephesians Study Notes Ch. 3.1-13 |
My study notes from Ephesians Ch. 3.1-13 are now available online via Google Documents. You can view them by following this link. These notes are from my preparational study before the Wednesday night teaching, so they might only make sense to me, but I think you can find something useful in them to refer back to later. Enjoy!
Friday, September 21, 2007
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Is Yoga OK for Christians? |
I recently ran across a video from CNN where they asked if yoga is ok for Christians. They brought on John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church, and Doug Pagitt, pastor of Solomon's Porch and member of Emergent village to debate this. Just a little side note: If you are ever asked to come on CNN to debate an issue and you find out John MacArthur is on the other end, don't go, you will lose! I am a big fan of John MacArthur and I have watched him time and time again defend the biblical Gospel on live TV and it is always the same result. He constantly and relentlessly makes a stand for biblical truth. After seeing many Christian leaders sink back and flounder, MacArthur never misses a chance to present the Gospel with clarity and conviction. You can't deny that yoga is becoming extremely popular in America as well as the Church. So what is its place in the lives of Christians? Is it off limits? Use it for exercise only? I took a few classes in college on eastern spirituality and we talked about yoga and the different types in depth. It is hard to separate yoga from its history and background, which are bottom line anti-Christian, so I urge to be careful when it comes to things like this. I also urge you to be extremely cautious when it comes to the emergent movement and some of its authors and leaders. Some of these people are associated with the emergent movement, some are loosely associated, and some you just need to be on your toes :). Brian McLaren, Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, Leonard Sweet, Shane Claiborne, Spencer Burke, Rob Bell (no he didn't), Don Miller (that's two strikes now), Tony Campolo, etc. I am not telling you don't read books by them, because some of them have good things to say, but I do want to say be careful and exercise a little discernment when it comes to books, instead of reading the latest and coolest books out there and believing they are true simply because they come under a Christian heading.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
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How Much do Pastor's Get Paid? |
Interested? Christianity Today International just finished a report on Pastor's salaries. Evidently Baptist youth ministers make the highest youth worker salaries among all denominations....not what I would have thought. Anyways here's the report. Check it out.
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Wednesday Night Meeting |
Once again, Wednesday's meeting will be in the Renfro Center Basement at 7pm. We will be digging into Ephesians 3 this week and will hopefully be able to reap some good stuff from God's Word that we can apply to our lives...be sure to bring your Bible and something to write with. Last week we went to IHOP after the meeting so who knows where we'll end up this time. See yall tomorrow!
Friday, September 14, 2007
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Billy Graham & Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God |
Recently, I came across a very interesting exhibit over at The Jonathan Edwards Center, where they have audio clips from the time Billy Graham preached “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”. Considered to be one of the greatest and most famous of American sermons, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” was first preached by Jonathan Edwards in 1741 during the First Great Awakening.
They have a transcript of the sermon that compares the original sermon to Billy Graham’s version. I thought it was interesting to see the slight differences (yes I know my nerdieness is showing).
Monday, September 10, 2007
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Wednesday Night Meeting-9/12 |
We are meeting once again on Wednesday night in the Renfro Center basement at 7pm. We'll be continuing our Ephesians Series with a study on Ephesians 2.11-22. Jeremiah Childers will do the teaching which should be great. Jeremiah is a student in the Divinity School at Gardner-Webb and is working on his Master's in Divinity. We will also take time out for The Lord's Supper which is something that we will be doing for the first time as a ministry.
After the Meeting: There are no definite plans at the moment. We'll decide after the service whether to go to the Coffee Shop, Kerry's, or to the Cookout. So everyone be thinking about where you'd like to go.
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For All You Bookworms |
This chair's for you! Pretty cool idea...you can roll your chair to the perfect spot in the house, sit down, and pick out your favorite book from a 80 book collection, all without ever leaving your chair. Now all you have to do is fork out the 2,000 green-ones it will cost you to get it. But at least you would have a super-cool modern chair to display all the books you've bought but never get around to reading...
Thursday, September 06, 2007
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New Shane and Shane CD! |
I am excited to announce that finally, after about 3 years, the new Shane and Shane CD is out.
If you haven’t ever heard anything by them, I suggest you go and buy every CD they have made, you won’t be disappointed. They are just flat out on a whole different level than all of the “stuff” going on in Christian music. A lot of their music comes directly from the Psalms and other scriptures and is saturated with the Gospel. I am a person who loves the Gospel, I love to learn about it and sing about it, and in a Christian subculture surrounded by “prom songs to Jesus” which are devoid of substance and hardly mention sin, grace, Jesus, or atonement, Shane and Shane are definitely refreshing to hear.
I was able to go to their concert in Charlotte about a week ago and I was blown away. There wasn’t anything special about the concert, no big show with lights and all of that, just the music. When most artists are writing man-centered songs that hardly mention anything Christian, Shane and Shane were surprisingly God-centered. It was refreshing to see musicians and their music consumed and passionate about the Gospel and unashamed to share it. So, I highly recommend checking them out.
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"Excellence in All Things and All Things to God's Glory" -- The Legacy of Dr. D. James Kennedy |
Dr. Mohler has a good post about the passing of Dr.D. James Kennedy.
Also, Justin Taylor over at Between Two Worlds has a post with some good links.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
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Wednesday Night Meeting |
There is a Foundation meeting tomorrow night at 7pm in the Renfro Center basement. Courtney Eller will be there this week to share a presentation on her mission trip to Uganda over the summer which should be awesome. Also, Justin Webb will continue our teaching series on Ephesians 2.1-10, so be sure to bring your Bible and something to write with.
After the Meeting: The plan is to go over to Broad River Coffee once again to hangout and listen during their open mic night.
If you have questions, contact us.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
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Ephesians Study Notes Ch. 1.15-23 |
The study notes from Ephesians 1.15-23 are now posted. Here's the link. The notes are published on Google Documents so you should be able to save and print from there if you wish. Hope you enjoy!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
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SteveO on Youth Ministry |
Our good buddy Steven Staton, who's been steppin it up some here lately in the blogosphere, posted a great blog today on youth ministry called, "Two People Stuck on an Escalator." Check it out...and watch the video. Great analogy Steve.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
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Governor Huckabee on Creationism |
Governor Huckabee in my opinion pretty much hits a homerun on his response to a Creationism question during a Republican debate. Check it out!
Monday, August 27, 2007
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Wednesday Night Meeting-8/29 |
Once again The Foundation will be meeting Wednesday night at 7pm in the Renfro Center basement. You are in for a treat this week as you will hear two different mission trip reports from this summer. Stephanie Kay will be sharing on our New Orleans trip and Justin Witherspoon will share on his trip to Brazil. We will also pick up on our Ephesians study with an in-depth look at Ephesians 1.15-23 and focusing on "Our Resources in Christ."
After the meeting we will head over to Broad River Coffee to hangout and drink some good coffee. See ya'll Wednesday.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
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Crisis of Faith or Real Faith? |
New Information Sheds Light into the Personal Faith Life of Mother Teresa.
Hey Guys,
I have not posted in a long while. I read this article on Mother Teresa and found it encouraging and also sad that we all face times of doubt and loneliness in our walk with God. Like Mother Teresa many of us put on a smile in public and count our tears in private. Like many of the psalms we have our highs and lows, a schizophrenia of emotions in our Christian walk, but we must also realize God is the one walking alongside of us through our journey.
Check out the article at http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20070823/wl_time/motherteresascrisisoffaith;_ylt=AsApQ8Y57LzR7PsOj4BZ9Vqs0NUE
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
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Ephesians Study Notes Ch. 1.1-14 |
We just had our 1st Wednesday night meeting with a new kind of style and format. It was kind of a mesh between our services, small groups and HangOuts all into one meeting. The teaching tonight was on Ephesians 1. 1-14. For those of yall who were not there, you can get a copy of my teaching notes by clicking here.
Next week we'll be moving onto the rest of Ephesians 1 where we'll take a look at our "Resources in Christ." I'm looking forward to it already!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
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Foundation Gathering This Wednesday |
After a near summer-long "sabbatical," if you will, The Foundation is back this Wednesday night as we will have our first meeting of the new school year. We will be meeting over at the Renfro Center at 7pm with a short worship service and then a trip to Kerry's for some ice cream will follow. The format will be a little different in these meetings, so be sure to come and check it out (don't forget your Bible, because we'll be diggin in). Also try to check the blog (Yea, we know...we've been lazy on here too, but we're working on it) this week as we'll be putting new information up about some changes coming this year in the Foundation. If you have any questions....contact us.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
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Gospel Riches |
I ran across this article the other day from Christianity Today.
The article is about the growth of the "Prosperity Gospel", "Health and Wealth Gospel", "Name it Claim it" or however you want to say it gospel that is spreading rapidly all over Africa. The worst part is that this so called gospel was exported from America to Africa and other countries, once we figured out how to package, market, and sell it.
Also, here is a video excerpt from John Piper talking about the prosperity gospel.
There are many examples of modern attempts to redefine the gospel that bother me, but the “Prosperity gospel” has always been one that gets under my skin. Other attempts, though equally dangerous, usually come from well meaning people that are driven by distorted social agendas, worldviews, etc., instead of being driven by a desire to glorify God and be faithful to the Scriptures.
But the Prosperity gospel is somewhat different. These teachers, preaches, guru’s, prophets or what not, are driven by making lots of money through promising things that even God did not promise us, and exploiting the poor and weak in spirit. The gospel is distorted and used to manipulate people into giving money. I mean who wouldn’t want Jesus if he is going to give us money, health, cars, and other worldly things.
1 Corinthians 1:18-31
Saturday, July 28, 2007
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New Orleans Prayer Meeting |
Come pray with us!
Sunday, July 29th
Simmons' House
Our team leaves for New Orleans this coming Wednesday, please pray for us!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
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Is the Roman Catholic Church the only true Church? |
That shouldn't sound like anything new, that is the age old claim that the Reformers repeatedly denied, and a claim which we deny today as well. The Vatican just released a new document declaring the RCC to be the only true church, and that any church which denies the papacy is not a true church.
Dr. Al Mohler has a good post on the topic so check it out and let me know what you think.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
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Update for New Orleans trip |
"We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom,so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me." Col. 1:28-29 In two weeks our team will be in New Orleans! Please be praying for the people we will meet and ask the Lord to reveal Himself the the people there through our team.
For anyone who can and would like to- we're going to meet out in front of Walmart at 2:00 on Sunday, July 22. We're going to be getting supplies to pass out to the homeless.
Our next meeting will be at Kesha's house (let someone know if you need directions) after our Walmart adventure- we'll meet atKesha's house at 4pm that same Sunday.
Please remember that all the money due for the trip ($200) will be due on Sunday, July 29, but you can pay at any time before that.
News on the trip:
**We have a van to ride in!** Double Springs is letting us use their van- praise God!
**We need to each be getting ready to share our testimonies, so we'll talk about that at our next meeting.FYI- I'll pass out a packing list at our next meeting.
Let me know if you have any questions,
Sunday, July 08, 2007
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New Orleans |
New Orleans Meeting
Tuesday, July 10th
Johnny and Mary's House
6:00 PM
Come ready to talk about our team's plans and such! Also, if you're going with us, $50 is due by Wed, July 11th
If you're not going to New Orleans, please pray for our team and the people we will be able to minister to.
Friday, July 06, 2007
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Morning and Evening: July 6th |
This post from Spurgeon rings just as loud and true now, as it did when he wrote it. It is common place today to try and interpret scripture in light of our society, experiences, and agendas. We use arguments such as, "Our society is different from the society back then, so...(fill in the blank). When the authority of scripture to govern and sanctify our lives through the spirit takes a back seat to what we want or think scripture should say or mean, it is not long before as Spurgeon says, "an error in judgement becomes an error in practice". Scripture as the reformers said is, norma normans non normata, "The norm of norms which cannot be normed." Scripture is the final authority on all matters, it is above our experiences, opinions, and theological systems. Scripture is not interpreted in light of our experiences, our experiences are interpreted in light of Scripture. When Scripture is subject to our society, agendas, models, fads, or techniques it is not long before you are selling indulgences, ordaining homosexual bishops, pushing for gender neutral paraphrased bibles, changing the name of the trinity to something crazy like "Compassionate Mother, Beloved Child, Live-Giving Womb", denying the exclusive claims of Jesus, denying his substitutionary atonement for sins, adopting a righteousness obtained by works + faith. I could give example after example of problems that have been directly caused or set into motion by rejecting Scripture as the norm of all norms. This also plays out on an individual level as well. Everyone, believe it or not has a theology, something they believe about God or Jesus that shapes their view of him and which affects all aspects of their lives: worship, prayer, actions, etc. As Christians we are commanded to live by the truth, worship in truth, proclaim the truth, and to do that we first need to know the truth. We have to let the Holy Spirit through the gospel teach and shape us into the image of Christ. As a Christian, you never have it figured out, you never reach a point where you can say, "I don't need to read scripture because I have a good grasp of what it says." The gospel is the avenue through which the Spirit moves and works. The Spirit never reveals or acts contrary to scripture. The primary way the Spirit sanctifies us is through the Word(Gospel), so I urge you to read and meditate on the truths found in the Bible, because they are living and active able to teach, encourage, rebuke, and prepare you for every good work.
'Sanctify them through Thy truth.'-John 17:17
Sanctification begins in regeneration. The Spirit of God infuses into man that new living principle by which he becomes 'a new creature' in Christ Jesus. This work, which begins in the new birth, is carried on in two ways-mortification, whereby the lusts of the flesh are subdued and kept under; and vivification, by which the life which God has put within us is made to be a well of water springing up unto everlasting life. This is carried on every day in what is called 'perseverance,' by which the Christian is preserved and continued in a gracious state, and is made to abound in good works unto the praise and glory of God; and it culminates or comes to perfection, in 'glory,' when the soul, being thoroughly purged, is caught up to dwell with holy beings at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
But while the Spirit of God is thus the author of sanctification, yet there is a visible agency employed which must not be forgotten. 'Sanctify them,' said Jesus, 'through thy truth: thy word is truth.' The passages of Scripture which prove that the instrument of our sanctification is the Word of God are very many. The Spirit of God brings to our minds the precepts and doctrines of truth, and applies them with power. These are heard in the ear, and being received in the heart, they work in us to will and to do of God's good pleasure. The truth is the sanctifier, and if we do not hear or read the truth, we shall not grow in sanctification. We only progress in sound living as we progress in sound understanding. 'Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.' Do not say of any error, 'It is a mere matter of opinion.' No man indulges an error of judgment, without sooner or later tolerating an error in practice. Hold fast the truth, for by so holding the truth shall you be sanctified by the Spirit of God.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
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The Faithful Pastor and the Faithful Church: an interview with Mark Dever |
Here is an interview with Mark Dever that is pretty good and covers a few different topics.
Mark is a pastor at Capitol Hill Baptist Chruch in D.C., and is also part of the Together for the Gospel crew, and started 9 Marks ministries.
Monday, June 25, 2007
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Wednesday, June 27th
7:00 PM
Johnny and Mary Walker's house
(let someone know if you need directions)
We're going to New Orleans on a mission trip August 1-5!! Anyone who is interested in going on the trip can and should come to this meeting. We need to nail down who's going to be going on the trip. We also need to talk about some more details and fundraising options.
If you have any questions or ideas about the trip/fundraising, bring them to the meeting on Wednesday and we'll talk about them.
If you can't make it to this meeting, leave a comment here and I'll fill you in on the details later.
See you there!
Friday, June 22, 2007
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British Girl Sues for Right to Wear a Purity Ring |
I ran across this article over on the New York Times about a British girl who was punished in school for wearing a "purity ring" because it violated school dress codes. The student claims that the ring is an expression of her Christian faith and that she is being discriminated against. Since when can you not wear rings to school? Anyways, if you are familiar with "True Love Waits" or in her case the organization is called "Silver Ring Thing" then you get the basic gist of why she was wearing the ring. But is that really an expression of her faith? Is the government suppressing her Christian beliefs? The article raises some interesting questions...so if you have a minute check it out:
British Girl Sues for Right to Wear Chastity Ring: New York Times
Thursday, June 21, 2007
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Jesus Found in a Tree |
Evidently some members of a Memphis church claim to have seen Jesus in a trunk of a tree. Don't believe me? Check out the article for yourself.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
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UMC State of the Church |
The United Methodist Church has released their annual State of the Church Report. The UMC site reports:
"The annual State of the Church Report provides a detailed look at The United Methodist Church today. It encompasses the issues and concerns on the minds of the church's members and their hopes for the denomination in the future.
The report is sponsored by the United Methodist Connectional Table as a way to:
- Encourage conversation and visioning across the church.
- Identify signs of strength and weakness in the life and ministries of the church.
- Recognize the church's heritage and work."
Interested in the data? Below is a link to the research data which I found to be pretty interesting. It's crazy how much the values and beliefs vary among clergy and laity across the different regions of the US. Check it out.
2006 UMC Quantitative Research
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
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Cookout & Pool Party |
The ladies are throwing a pool party/cookout on Wednesday night for anyone who wants to come. The party will be held at Kesha Allen's house and will last from 6:30 until whenever. Hamburgers and hotdogs will be served. Bring your swimsuit and invite a friend to come out for a good time. And in case you didn't know...these ladies know how to put on a shindig...especially when it comes to food!
Click Here for directions.
Any Questions? Contact Us.
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Religion as Ice Cream |
Some more sad news from the Episcopal Church. It seems now that Christianity can be mixed with other religions to find the flavor of ice cream that you like. What else would make a good flavor? Christianity and Daoism? Hey, if it works for you why not? Maybe the more toppings the better. Riddleblog article. Stand to Reason article.
Excuse my sarcasm, but I do not have the mental capacity to understand this type of thinking, and it saddens me to see the Gospel of the Living God substituted for an idol. It saddens me to see people confessing to be Christians when they do not treasure Jesus. It's not saying a prayer or reciting a few doctrines that saves a person, Jesus must be your treasure, like the parable in Matthew 13, the kingdom of God is like a man finding a treasure hidden in a field and then he sells everything to buy that field so he can have the treasure. From this article, it would be the equivalent of selling everything to buy the field but then setting up an altar and worshiping Allah, at best it’s an insult to God, at worst it treats lightly the blood of Jesus, trampling it underfoot (Heb 10), and strips from the only person worthy of worship, the glory and honor that is due Him. That might be a little dramatic, but it makes me angry, and I think it makes God angry as well.
This also applies to everyone, myself included. Jesus must be treasured, and not as a means to some other treasure such as money, power, social reasons, or heaven (that could make you think). To confess to be a Christian, yet treasure the gifts rather than the giver of all things, is a contradiction in terms. Is Jesus your treasure? Or have you replaced Jesus with worldly treasures? Eternal life is not something you bargain with, you don’t get to go to heaven in exchange for one Sunday a week, you can’t say to God, “I’ll let you forgive me of my sins if you let me still treasure this over you.” Galatians 6 says, do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for what you sow you also will reap. You can’t have it both ways.
I think as Christians we always have to examine ourselves and our lives to see if our actions line up with what we treasure. If you have replaced Jesus as your treasure with something else, repent, ask for forgiveness, and begin to treasure and praise Him who has brought you out of darkness into his marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9)
Friday, June 15, 2007
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The next 3M Club meeting will be this Saturday, June 16th. All of those reading Wild at Heart should finish chapters 5 and 6. A detailed agenda for Saturday's meeting is listed below.
5:00-6:00: Book discussion at Chance and Ian's
6:00-8:00: Go out to eat at restaurant in Shelby
8:00-10:00 Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer at the theater.
Any guys of any age are welcome to come to all or part of the 3M Club meeting. If you are not reading the book feel welcome to come and sit in on the discussion anyway...otherwise meet at Chance and Ian's house at 6:00 to go out to eat. If you have any questions contact us.
Start inviting new guys to join the club!