Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Is Religion Making Us Fat?

Is religion making us fat? Cathleen Falsani from the Chicago Sun-Times addresses this question in a recent article and gives us some interesting things to think about. Check out this quote from the article:

"he found there were more obese people in states with larger populations of folks claiming a religious affiliation than elsewhere -- particularly in states with the most Baptists."

"If they don't drink and don't smoke, what do they do?

Eat, apparently."

Interesting stuff huh? So basically we have replaced the bad habits of drinking and smoking with the habit of gluttony? Interesting thought. So what about the Baptists who eat, drink and smoke? I guess they are up the creek without a paddle!

I always new casseroles were from the Devil, haha, but you honestly can't beat a good fellowship meal after church. Some of my fondest memories from growing up in church were all the great Homecoming Meals at church and getting to eat Geraldine's famous chicken salad. Gosh, that was soo good. But thinking about this, I actually stayed for a meal after church last Sunday and I remember being told, "Alright Chance we are gonna have to see how much you can eat today?" So maybe this article carries some weight afterall.

I guess before long the new fad in churches won't be Family Life Center's but Atkins Approved Fellowship Meals!

Anyways check out the article in Sun-Times by clicking here

So what ya think, have we just replaced drunkeness with gluttony in the church?

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