Sunday, September 17, 2006

Rock and a Hard Place

Have you ever been in between a rock and a hard place, in a situation in which none of your options were good and you felt as if you had to simply choose the lesser of two evils? Abraham was in a similar situation as this one time. Genesis 12:10-20 says that there was a famine in the land of Canaan and Abram was forced to go down to Egypt to look for food. However, before he entered Egypt he told his wife to pretend to be his sister. Abram did this because he was afraid that one of the Egyptians would kill him and then marry Sari, which must have been a culturally acceptable practice 4000 years ago. Next, Abram did something almost unthinkable. When Pharaoh noticed how beautiful Sari was, Abram gave her over to Pharaoh to be his wife in exchange for material goods, sheep, cattle, donkeys, and servants. One of the most horrible things I could ever picture is giving my beloved wife to another man. However, before we are too hard on Abram we must remember that he did not have many options. Either he let his family die of famine in the land of Canaan, or be killed and have his wife stripped away from him anyway. This was the only option, (or so he thought) to keep all of his family alive. However, God did something unexpected. He intervened. The Lord struck Pharaoh with a disease and evidently made him realize that Sari was Abram’s wife not his sister. Pharaoh then made Abram leave the country in shame. However, Abram got Sari back, and escaped with his life. From this I guess we can remember that when we are in between a rock and a hard place, we should remember that God can intervene and give us options we did not realize existed. He can restore what is already broken, and mend mistakes we have made. Let’s remember to be patient and wait for his rescue.


Miss K said...

That's an encouraging post! It's so great to reflect on examples from the Bible that show how God has provided ways for His people to make it through seemingly impossible circumstances. When we're going through something, it can be difficult to see the end result when everything is worked out. Until then our hope has to be found in the Lord, and we should follow Him step by step even when we don't see where He's leading. In the end, the Lord will lead us in the best possible way, better than the way we could choose on our own if we try to make decisions without consulting and trusting the Lord.

Vitamin A said...

I wonder if Abram made the right decision. Obviously God pulled him out of the fire, and i knw Abram didn't have the resource we know as the New Testament. Nevertheless, Paul reminds husband to love their wives like Christ loves the church (Ephisians...i think in chapter 5, i'm at school and i dont have my bible with me). Thats a really tall order to fill, especially when the realization that Christ sacrificed him self for the church. I wonder if the right choice in that situation would have been to protect Sari and sacrifice himself...she would probably have been pretty well of if Pharaoh had married her. Once again he didn't know this, but God had too big of plans for him to let him die right then. I wasn't there, i don't know what kinda conversations they had, maybe Abram was looking after her best intrest, just something to think about a little