Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Feature Blog of the Week

Yeah so being the single guy that I am, as soon as I ran across this blog the other day I knew it had to be the featured blog of the week. Oh and let me remind you that I didn't write this blog, I wish I did...except for the fact that Perry was slappin me around with some of these comments, so just remember that as you read this because I wish I had the whole single dude thing down as he describes it...

Perry Noble

Five Things A Single Dude NEEDS To Know…

OK guys…here we go…I’ve been wanting to do this one for a long time. Please keep in mind that I made TONS of mistakes as a single dude…so these lessons are NOT all as a result of my success stories. BUT…I did manage to do some things right…and I have a red hot wife to prove it. (Thank You Jesus!!!)

#1 - If You Are Interested In A Girl…YOU Need To Talk To HER.

The Bible says in Proverbs 18:22 that he who FINDS a wife finds what is good (AMEN!) Men…it is up to you to FIND a wife…that means YOU are to be the one to initiate things…if you want to be the leader IN the relationship then you should take steps to be the leader at the beginning of the relationship!

This means, if you are interested in a girl…you talk to her!!! You don’t call HER friends and ask them to drop hints for you…unless you are a pathetic wimp. You don’t get YOUR friends to drop hints to her friends. BE A MAN! If you want to ask her out…ASK HER OUT! Trust me…her friends don’t want to talk to you about it anymore…and if you keep bothering them they are going to tell HER to stay away from you!

continue reading the other 4 things....

1 comment:

Professor Webb said...

Dude this was some awesome advice -Perry is the man. And AMEN on that Proverbs 18:22. That story he tells about his dad punching the kid in the nose is awesome too - I hope I can punch a kid in the nose one day...