Friday, September 21, 2007

Is Yoga OK for Christians?

I recently ran across a video from CNN where they asked if yoga is ok for Christians. They brought on John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church, and Doug Pagitt, pastor of Solomon's Porch and member of Emergent village to debate this.

Just a little side note: If you are ever asked to come on CNN to debate an issue and you find out John MacArthur is on the other end, don't go, you will lose! I am a big fan of John MacArthur and I have watched him time and time again defend the biblical Gospel on live TV and it is always the same result. He constantly and relentlessly makes a stand for biblical truth. After seeing many Christian leaders sink back and flounder, MacArthur never misses a chance to present the Gospel with clarity and conviction.

You can't deny that yoga is becoming extremely popular in America as well as the Church. So what is its place in the lives of Christians? Is it off limits? Use it for exercise only? I took a few classes in college on eastern spirituality and we talked about yoga and the different types in depth. It is hard to separate yoga from its history and background, which are bottom line anti-Christian, so I urge to be careful when it comes to things like this.

I also urge you to be extremely cautious when it comes to the emergent movement and some of its authors and leaders. Some of these people are associated with the emergent movement, some are loosely associated, and some you just need to be on your toes :). Brian McLaren, Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, Leonard Sweet, Shane Claiborne, Spencer Burke, Rob Bell (no he didn't), Don Miller (that's two strikes now), Tony Campolo, etc. I am not telling you don't read books by them, because some of them have good things to say, but I do want to say be careful and exercise a little discernment when it comes to books, instead of reading the latest and coolest books out there and believing they are true simply because they come under a Christian heading.

1 comment:

Walk said...

It seems Pagitt had a few more things to say about MacArthur after the interview.

Also, his gospel is apparently different "than the one perverted by the likes of John MacArthur." I always thought that truth was relative in the postmodern emergent world.

And what is Pagitt doing at a NC Baptist Convention conference!

Also, Mark Driscoll called out McLaren, Pagitt and Bell. If you have time, check out the podcast, it is long but definitely worth it.