Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Poor Boy's Cookbook

Because I don't already have enough things to do--I decided to take on the task of creating a new blog. Unlike this blog, the new blog will will have nothing to do with ministry and everything to do with food. Sound strange? Why would he do that, you might ask? Well now that I've bought a house and have a culinary genius living with me, one could not help but create great food.

So please welcome to the blogosphere the Poor Boy's Cookbook. Just as a taste of what the new blog will offer, here is a quote from the first post:

"This blog will serve as a culinary platform to share with mankind the genius that is found within the minds of one Lazy Man and one School Teacher. They are two bachelors in their 20's sharing a home together and have no money. The School Teacher makes dimes and nickels working for the school system but loses all of his hard earned money to "the man" and to the mortgage company since they own his newly purchased home. The Lazy Man is a professional college student with no job, but a strong passion for cooking and the creative mind to fuel that passion."

I hope you'll check the blog out from time to time(you'll find a link in the side menu of this blog) as we will be posting up a variety of recipes that we create as well as various other cooking/food related posts. All of the recipes on the blog will be original recipes from our kitchen and most of them will come from our culinary experiments. Each post will contain a recipe card that can be enlarged and printed for your use. These recipes are taste tested and Wesson approved, and as you know if it's approved by a Wesson then it will taste pretty darn good. Not to mention, if its made by two bachelors then you know its gonna be cheap and quick to prepare. So please share and enjoy!

Poor Boy's Cookbook

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

I am excited about this!!!