3M Club
With much anticipation, I am pleased to share the details of the newly created 3M Club. While this may sound like the name of a cheap gentleman's club (as someone told me), the 3M Club is actually a Men's Group that will begin meeting this summer in place of our small groups.
3M Club: manhood. meat. movies.
- This men's group will meet several times a month on the weekend to do the following three things that all men love.
- Talk about Manhood.
- Eat Meat.
- Watch Movies
- This group is for all ages of men: from teenagers to old men!
- We will begin our Manhood study with the book Wild at Heart, by John Eldredge
- Our first meeting will be Saturday May 19th.
- A typical meeting agenda might look something like this:
- 5:00-6:00pm - Roundtable discussion of Wild at Heart.
- 6:30-8:30 - Trip to a steakhouse restaurant or cookout at someone's house.
- 9:00-11:00 - Watch a movie at the theater or DVD at the house.
- An awesome 3M Club t-shirt (pictured below): custom designed by Derek Ramsey.
- Wild at Heart book by John Elderedge.
- Great Fellowship with other men on a regular basis.
- Of course nothing is free...I wish it was, but membership into the 3M Club is $20 which includes the T-shirt and Book.
- If you would just like the book or just the T-shirt the cost is $10.
- If you'd like to be a part of the 3M Club send us an email at thecorefoundation@gmail.com or contact Chance Witherspoon. See Contact Page.
- Share this page. Forward it to others. Invite all they guys you know! We want to fill up entire restaurants with 3M Club Members and their rockin' t-shirts.

Ladies stay tuned, we've got something for you soon.....
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