Church Protests Dead Marine's Funeral?
I ran across this article this morning about some crazy fundamentalist Kansas church that actually went to a dead Marine's funeral with signs that said, “God hates fags” and “Thank God for dead soldiers.” Oh, and the protest had nothing to do with that specific Marine. In fact, these wackos regularly "argue that U.S. troops are dying as punishment for America’s tolerance of homosexuality."
This type of stuff really makes me angry and at the same time it hurts because it's churches(hate groups) like this who are destroying the testimony of the Church as a whole. How in the heck could anyone think that something so screwed up as this brings any glory to God? In fact I think God probably wouldn't be so mad if someone punched them in the face for their stupidity...I know I'd sure like to...
Anyways, evidently I'm not the only one who thinks this is ridiculous because a jury awarded the family of the Marine $11 million in punitive and compensatory damages that the church, Westboro Baptist, will now have to pay after the family filled an invasion of privacy lawsuit. I couldn't agree more with this ruling and I think the church should face consequences for their actions...but that's just my opinion. What's yours? How do we as Christians respond or react to obviously false churches like this one? Do we sit back and be quiet while they destroy the testimony and image of the Church? Do we speak up and call them out? Let's hear what you think.
Baltimore Sun Article on Lawsuit
Wikipedia article on Westboro Baptist
Yeah that is Fred Phelps and his crusaders for who knows what. They do this junk all the time. I even think Bush passed some law against military funeral protest because of him.
He is like Preacher Gary on crack.
He claims to be a Calvinist and Fundamentalist at the same time. Actually it is an extreme form of Hyper-Calvinism and extreme fundamentalism, and from what we have seen, that is not a good combination.
Stuff like this really gets my goat. I don't know which is worse, extreme fundamentalism or extreme liberalism. It definitely ruins the Church's testimony like you mentioned. That is why it is so crucial for a church to get the Gospel right. As a church preaches the Gospel right, attempts to live it out, and centers their lives around it, it produces a good witness and at the same time exposes false gospels.
Nothing makes me madder than crap like that!! Just reading that made my blood boil. I can't stand to see the name of Christianty dragged through the mud by extreme stupidity like that. And what's worse is that they think they are doing God's Will!! God help us to right the wrongs of people who misuse the name of Jesus!
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