Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Amazing Bowling Extravaganza

So...I have no idea if that's how you spell extravaganza but in any case, thats what this is. Tomorrow, Thrusday, we're going bowling. It's gonna be amazing. It's gonna be an extravaganza, hence the title. If you come you will be rewarded, with kangaroos. Its a proven fact that kangaroos are excellent bowlers, and entertainers. Be at the Renfroe at 7:00pm.

P.S. There wont actually be any kangaroos. I'm not sure why I lied. I guess i just wanted to impress you. Did it work?

1 comment:

Chance Witherspoon said...

Aaron, I think you need to see a psychiatrist...kangaroo's...seriously? I'm very impressed though...