Jesus May Have Walked on Ice?
This is a picture of the western section of the Golan Heights, overlooking the northern end of the Sea of Galilee, the body of water on which the Bible says Jesus walked. The New Testament says that Jesus walked on water, but a Florida university professor believes there could be a less miraculous explanation -- he walked on a floating piece of ice. (REUTERS/Jim Hollander)
Read the article from Reuters here.
So some scientist from Florida State thinks that Jesus may have walked on a piece of ice instead of water. Hmm, so what about Peter? I guess Peter paddled up beside some ice too, tricky rascal! Seems a little far out there for me to believe that a piece of ice was floating around near Galilee, but yeah who knows. However, since this guy is into explaining Bible stories in natural terms, let's see him explain the resurrection of Jesus in a little less miraculous fashion-- Not gonna happen. Science doesn't lead us away from God it only draws us closer. Have a good one ya'll.
1 comment:
This guy is awesome, he got research funding for something like this? People can barely get research money for AIDS or alternative energy research. If I was funding his research and he came back with an answer like that…
I really don’t think people were that dumb back in Jesus’ time. I mean when you have three separate accounts telling you it was water, you have to give them a little credit. I think it takes more faith to believe something like this, than it takes to believe that an all powerful God could walk on water.
What happened to the time when people relied on facts to prove something? There are so many what if this, and maybe this, and it could possibly be this we are not sure, going on in this situation. If you’re going to throw something like this in the mix at least be able to believe it yourself. If the bible describes Jesus and Peter as walking on water, that is a little different than floating on ice. If he walks on water that implies that there had to be a good bit of it. And something like that would have been written down by some historians, possibly Josephus and some others. Or just maybe it could be like perfectly arranged ice stepping stones, and maybe Jesus took one of Peter’s so he fell.
Excuse all the sarcasm; I guess it could just be the way I think. In engineering we are taught to analyze everything and gather the facts before we make a decision. Nobody would want me to design the airplane they would be flying in if I didn’t have all the facts, and made decisions based on assumptions, or made decisions not based on the facts available. If experience says that in order for a plane to fly you need more thrust than you have drag, and more lift than the force of gravity. And then I say, we might have some data that at certain times, gas pockets could possibly form in the sky maybe, and just maybe they might have enough force to keep us from falling, we’re not sure. You would wonder what I was smoking.
Maybe I’m just too objective and left brained, and I need to develop my right brain some more. Be a little more creative and have more of an imagination, cause this just don’t make any sense to me.
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