Monday Munchies...Food for Thought: Love Revolution
Today’s munchies are gonna be a little different. I feel like I’m preaching and venting/ranting more than providing thought provoking questions, but hopefully this will inspire some thought in yall anyway.
Love Revolution. I am an optimist, and I believe that our world has a whole lot of things going well and right, however, there is so much in this world that is wrong and, well, evil. It is time for a love revolution. I don’t mean reform or change, I mean a revolution. We need to rethink the idea of love and how it should affect our lives.
There is so much going wrong with the world, it is hard to know where to start. Let’s start with
Jesus was once asked which of the commandments was most important. He responded with two commandments as an answer. He said to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, all your strength and all your soul. And the second one is like it; love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:29-31). Notice He didn’t say any of the “Thou shall not” commandments. Later He says, you have heard it said love thy neighbor and hate thy enemy, but I say to you, love your enemy as your neighbor (Matt 5:43-44). Also, He tells us to love each other like He loves us (John 15:12). What do these verses mean? First off, we have to love God. We have to love God more than anything. The main opponent to this is really the self. One must love God more than they love their self. Most people love themselves, they take care of themselves, try and make sure they are secure, have basic needs met and try to make sure they receive love from somewhere. It’s a challenging thing to love anything more than one’s self. Now it gets even a little harder, and its how we can show our love to God, is to love our neighbors as ourselves. This means that all these things we do for ourselves, we have to do for our neighbors, Yall are intelligent so I’ll let yall make these connections. Finally we have to love our enemies as our neighbors. Well, these commandments leave no one exempt from who you should love. NO ONE is exempt from whom you should love, and not only love but love in a way you love yourself. An irrational, unreasonable, lavish, wild love. A love that surpasses imagination, that can only come from God and a relationship with Him, because it’s the kind of love He has for you. This is the love we are called to show and have for the entire world. The entire world, this means sinners. We have to love people. I never remember a passage saying, that we are called to judge. We are called to love. This means if someone is a liar, don’t judge them, love them. If someone is a homosexual, don’t judge them, love them. If is someone is a murderer, don’t judge them, love them. If someone is a drug dealer, don’t judge them, love them…yall get the point? Too often I think we get tied up in worrying about not sinning or making sure others don’t sin that we forget that its not our place to take care of whats between other people and God. I’m not downing accountability or confession of sin, and I’m certainly not condoning sin, but I am downing anything that takes priority in our lives over loving God, and therefore others.
So then, The Love Revolution is this. People loving other people, one at time, personally. This is how we can change the world. This is how we can win the world for Christ. This is how we can alleviate the problems of this world we don’t have to have. These problems are all the result of choices of humanity. I am tired of these problems. I’m tired of hate, I’m tired of war, I’m tired of suffering. I chose love, and peace, and Jesus. I choose to love, no matter the cost. I choose to follow Christ. I choose to change the world. I choose a revolution. I choose Love Revolution.
Good stuff man. I agree, Christians are losing their impact and influence in the world. It’s no wonder when we can’t even love our fellow Christians, much less our enemies.
34"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:34-35)
There is so much jealousy, hatred, competition, in-fighting, gossip, and envy even towards our own brothers and sisters. What makes us think we can love and change the world when we can’t even love fellow Christians? That should be the easy part. It only gets harder when you try to love people who don’t share the same beliefs or culture. There is no way we can be effective in changing the world, when all of that exist within the Church. It has to start with loving God and loving other Christians, if you can’t do either of those two your not gonna be able to love your enemies.
(John 15: 9-27 ; 1 John 3: 11-20)
Vit. A,
Beautiful message, one that I believe in whole-heartedly, regardless of how well I do it myself. I'm going to share this with a few of my friends. I hope you are doing well. I won't be at memaw's for Easter so if you're visiting I'll miss you. Have a happy holiday and I'll talk to you soon.
Love, Brandi
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