Monday Munchies.... Pastors worse than Lawyers?
Just to remind everyone, Aaron is gone for the week to help out with Hurricane Katrinia relief in Mississippi, so I'm filling in this week on the Monday Munchies. I don't know if I can live up to the buzz of last week's alcohol blog but I think I have some good material to chew on this week.
This weeks topic is : Pastors worse than Lawyers?
Earlier last week I received a link to an article released by the Associated Baptist Press (click link to read article) and it made the claim that sexual misconduct occurs at a HIGHER rate among ministers or pastors than other trusted professions such as doctors or lawyers. This information was reported at an Ethics Conference at the well-respect Truett Seminary which educates some of our nation's great pastors, so I feel like this material is reliable. Not to mention, why would the Baptist Press release an article which basically condemns itself unless the facts are reliable?
The studies also show that over the past 25 years between 10-12% of pastors across all denominations admitted to engaging in sexual intercourse with church members. Almost 1/3 acknowledged to sexually inappropriate behavior; with 90% of sexual abuse in Protestant churches occurring between male ministers and female church members.
I think one thing we can learn from this is that it is not just the Catholic Priests who should be getting all the press for sexual misconduct; it is 1 out of every 10 pastors you know! I would have to say that I am a little surprised by this figure and I do think it may be somewhat misleading. Now I don't know how many of us would consider lawyers as trusted professionals but I will make the assumption that what a minister considers to be sexually inappropriate behavior may be somewhat different than what a lawyer considers the same. And I would also think that the same figure of around 10% of doctors and lawyers commit sexual intercourse in their profession outside of marriage, maybe not with patients or clients, but in affairs or adultery with other persons.
So what's the deal here? I think one thing we have to see is that ministers are normal people just like you and me, and they are just as susceptible to sin as you and me are, and maybe even more so. Now that's not to be mistaken as an excuse for them, but just a reminder we have to be very aware of their humanity as well because often times we put them on a pedestal above others. So I'll end with a few questions, and I hope that you'll think on these and comment on your opinion.
Why are so many pastors committing sexual sins with church members? Are you surprised or shocked?
When do you think these opportunities arise between the pastors and the church members? Maybe it is when hurting, broken women come in for counseling because of bad relationships, and the pastor feels sorry, takes her under his wing, and one thing leads to the next?
Do you think these statistics are accurate or skewed? Do Pastors and Lawyers have different standards of what inappropriate sexual behavior consists of? Lust versus harassment?
Is this something that should concern us as church members? Thoughts in general?
1 comment:
Those are very troubling numbers. It is good however that the numbers are out there, to get the problem out in the open. It is sad that such events happen, espcically with the those who are to help lead us in a Christian Walk, and be examples. But we are all human, and I think sometimes Pastor's recive alot more temptations to fall, than many others. If they fall, they often can bring a church down and lead more astray. And I think Satan knows this and may be one reason why of proffessions Pastor's are high in the numbers of Sexual relationships with church members. I think it is good that the problem is out there in the open so that Congregations can not only be aware of it, but help protect our Pastors from being put in a situation where he may be tempted. But the fact does come down to the responsibility that our Pastors have to God when they take a role of leadership, when they are the one's who preach, teach, and minsiter. But as Chance said, we do put them on peadastols sometimes, but we should also remember they are human and face the same sin and temptation to sin that we do.
Thank you Chance for bringing up this information, and I would encourge everyone to constantly pray for your pasotrs or any one in ministry.
I Corithians 6:12-20
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