Watch Yo' Mouf
This week I’m going to talk about watching the things that we say. In a lot of people I see the tongue as a gilded tool, meaning that it may seem that what we say is doing a lot of good for us but overall it is doing more harm. We all have seen someone who during church or just while speaking about their religion know all the right answers to say or confess what should be confessed but whenever you get them around the wrong crowd or away from where they need to be you could not tell what they believe in. I know, I’ve been there, and I’m sure all of us have at some time, and I know that I never want to be there again. That’s why I say that we can turn the gift of the tongue into a gilded tool.
We know that what we can either make someone feel really bad or really good. And as Christians everything we say should make someone feel the latter. This is what God calls of us. For instance, the greatest of commandments calls for us to love our neighbors. So as we speak to everyone we should speak a language filled with God’s love. This excludes dirty jokes, cut downs, swearing and lies. Mark
Just like when our rights are read to us, I wouldn’t know from personal experiences just from TV and stuff, but everything we say can be used against us. And this really sucks but people will remember the bad things that we say a lot more than the good things that we say. Jesus is the perfect example of this. Way back in the day all the religious leaders tried to do was catch him saying or doing something bad. Take the story in John 8 when they bring to him a woman who committed adultery. They wanted him to sentence her to death because she had committed adultery but instead he came back with, “Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.” I just love reading the things that Jesus said. No matter how hard they tried to catch him saying something he shouldn’t he’d come back with the best come back ever and bust them right in their grill. I LOVE IT! They’d try to punk him but instead they got punk’d! It’s awesome! You want real entertainment read the gospels. They have the best come backer ever. By saying this we should try for our speech to be like Jesus’. Not condemning but loving. When people try catches us saying something wrong we should have one of those comebacks like Jesus had. We should watch our mouths.
Gday, I'd just like to say thanks for having some kind of devotion/Godtime stuff available on the net - and for it to be so understandable. I've found your blog really helpful and just like to offer a thanks - be it from the other side of the world or whatever (Australia). Thanks heaps again - Zyll
Awesome stuff Emily! That makes all of us who contribute to the site very happy and it is for people like you who are 'on the other side of the world' that we write these blogs. I hope you keep visiting the site and comment as often as you want. Share it with some of your other friends in Australia! We'd love to have a ton of readers from 'Down Under'.
Thanks again for reading--The Foundation.
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