Theological Tuesdays: Born-Again
Today's word we here in church but don't really get is: Born-Again. Now before you brush this off and say, "ah I know what that means," think about it, do you really? What if a stranger came up to you one day on the street and asked you, "What is a born-again Christian?" Would you be able to respond accurately? Is this different than just a Christian? Is it just a label we give ourselves?
This term is found in the Bible so first let me give you the reference so we'll have some kind of bearing to get us started:
John 3
Jesus Teaches Nicodemus
1Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2He came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him." 3In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.[a]" 4"How can a man be born when he is old?" Nicodemus asked. "Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born!" 5Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.
So we see here that Jesus told Nicodemus that for us to see the Kingdom of God, or Heaven, then we must be "born-again." So I think this is an important term to look at. In simple words, being born-again, is synonymous with salvation or regeneration. For the sake of brevity I'll not include all the scriptures which the doctrine of salvation or regeneration come from but you can click this link to read an article on the topic. The basic idea here is that once we realize the bankrupt state of our soul, that we are born sinners(Rom. 3:23, Isa. 53:6), and because of our sin we are separated from God(Isa. 59:2), we therefore deserve death. But God's free gift to us is salvation(Rom. 6:23), which we can receive by confessing that "Jesus is Lord" and believing in our heart that God raised him from the dead(Rom. 10:9-10). At that moment, when we confess with our mouth and believe in our heart, the promised Holy Spirit enters into us and takes up residence in our heart and soul(Eph. 1:13-14). At that same moment we receive salvation, we are justified and we are "born-again," regenerated, therefore becoming a new creation(2 Cor. 5:17, Rom 10:10, Eph 2:1-10).
Ok yall, so that's the basic Gospel message in a nutshell, but it takes the entire message to explain what being born-again really means, especially if your going to try and explain John 3:5 and what Jesus meant by being born of water and spirit(which you should be able to do with this Gospel presentation).
Now, why the term "born-again Christian" started being used, I don't know. I did a little research and found out that Jimmy Carter used the term in his 1976 Presidential Campaign to describe his faith experience. Who knows, maybe ever since then that's why we hear the term in politics to describe "real Christians." You know, I think it has basically become a label we created to separate us "real" Christians from the "other Christians" or those who claim they are Christians (around 80% of the US) but aren't really. Make sense? We hear it used in politics and on TV a lot and now if we think back to the 2004 elections its much like the new label of "evangelical Christians." So now we have two labels to give ourselves, "Born-again, Evangelical Christians." And the next popular term in 'hip-culture Christianity" is "Christ-Followers." What's next? Probably have to call ourselves "Born-Again-Evangelical-Christ-Following-Jesus-Freaks."
Termonlogy in Christianity has always been changing when people talk about their relationship with God, as theology and perspectives on our relationship change. Protestism may have the most. Calvinist called themselves the "Elect", however with the Great Awakenings and a movement away from Puritan Theology to what became the more Evangilical movements Conversion experinces gave way to the term "Born again".
(Sorry I published before I was done)
I don't think the way we term our relationship with God is as important as how we understand what that relationshiip means. As long as we know Christ lived and died for our sins, that his resurection is a sign calling for a new life in Christ. Whether we call it Born agian or Converted, or whatever, as long as we understand that we are called to die to our old life and live a new life in Christ, we have gotten the point.
Read Romans Ch. 6 for more meaning behind "Born Again" descriptions of Christians, are you Born Again? Does Romans 6 describe you?
Good topic BigSpoon!
Wesley, I think I understand what your saying, but let me know if I didn't read it correctly. I agree that we should be careful to a degree when it comes to explaining salvation experiences, simply because we don't want to mis-inform someone and cause them to either believe they are saved, but are not, or cause them to believe they haven't been saved because God didn't elect them and infact they are saved.
Now your second part. I wish you'd explain a little more, because it sounds to me like that is a somewhat Arminian view but I'm confused on the phrase; "we can't come to God on our own." I don't think I agree but you didn't go in detail so we may be on the same page, just word it different? If we can't come to God on our own, does that negate "free-will" or are you saying that once we decide to come to God, its only because of His grace that we'd be able to? I think that's the doctrine of "Total Depravity" which I'm unsure on. I just have a hard time thinking that we are utterly unable to choose to follow God or to accept his free gift of salvation?
Oh and, maybe "God's elect" are those who choose to elect God or those who choose to follow Christ? Just a random thought.
Ok, yeah I agree Wesley. I think thats right on the money. And I agree too that in my mind everyone is elected and could be saved if they acknowledged the Holy Spirit and chose to place their faith in Christ.
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