Jesus Loves Strippers
I was forwarded this article by the Rev. Wesley about a ministry for strippers. These ladies called JC's Girls go around to strip clubs, pay for a lapdance, and spend that time to talk to the girls about God and not a dance. What do ya think? I don't reckon a man could pull this off without sinning but I'm sure he would quickly volunteer for this ministry outreach, haha. So check out the article HERE and see what you think. Read about the first time the ladies went to the club and their experiences talking to the girls.
So whats the verdict? Should we as Christians be going into the most sinful of places and sharing the Good News? What does the Bible say? Let us know-Comment
Wow. Not quite sure how to respond to this one. Jesus was known for meeting the sinner where he/she was. Seems to meet this is exactly what JC's Girls are doing. The part that is kind of iffy for me is their attempt to look like they fit in. I understand their desire not to intimidate those they are trying to reach, but I also think they are walking a thin line here. Christians should stand apart in actions and appearance. The tank tops, big hair, and glamorous look are a little over the top. Overall, I think these women are bold and courageous in their ministry!
I have to agree with suzyq. A web site designer who works with soft core porn?! Come on, they could have done better than that!Jesus did meet the sinner on his or her home court. The biggest difference seems to be that his desire was that they turn from their sin. There was no compromise for him and there should be none for us. Yes, God loves these girls just as much as he loves you and me, but accepting that love should include a desire to repent and live a life that it glorifying to him. I'm just not sure that can be done in a strip club. I hope a concerted effort is being made to get these girls away from the lifestyle that has them bogged down in their sin.
What do you mean about the web site designer comment? I didn't follow you on that one. Do you not think the JC's Girls desire is that the girls they witness to in the club repent from their sin and find a new job? It did sound a little like they weren't pushing them hard enough to find another job, and I agree that the girl strippers need to change their lifestyle because stripping for money is definitely a sin, your causing men to lust. But again, I can't judge or question the JC Girl's motives. It seems like they have a legitimate ministry. I think sometimes as Christians we are a little "gun shy" when it comes to evangelism. We are too worried about what other people will think about us. Sometimes we have to just throw all things aside and follow God's lead. I think these women if they have the right motives, which I don't see what there other motives could be, are effectively ministering to those who are in need and I don't see a problem.
What do ya think?
Personally, I don't agree with this group. I understand that Jesus did go where the sinner was, but doing what the sinners do is a different story. There is nothing in their presentation that says that they are separated or set apart. The Bible calls for us to be separated from the evil of this world. A verse pops in mind "Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable ..." It seems as if they are conforming, and how could there actions possibly be renewing their mind. There is nothing about a strip joint that can renew your mind. It perverts your mind. Yeah, Jesus did go where the sinners where, but note that His testimony was never doubted. Even Pilate knew that their was no fault in Him. One's testimony can easily be questioned by there actions. I just don't see how it could possibly be right because there is a certain amount of separation that must occur in our lives from the darkness of this world.
Also, these girls are giving them what they want. There is something wrong with giving the world what they want. We are not in the business of pleasing people because the gospel will definitely offend people. That is evident throughtout Jesus' life. So many sought to kill Him. The gospel message magnifies the sins of man, and that is hard for someone to deal with. Instead of giving them what they want or are driving for which is ultimately corruptable things of life such as money, give them what they need...the gospel.
Believe you me, if we as a body of believers were living in such a way that imitates that of the Lord Jesus Christ, if we as a body where truly being led by the Holy Spirit there would be something different about us that the world would notice immediately. So many people are so far from living out the Christian faith that you can't even tell they have been saved. What is the difference between us and them? In Paul's ministry, when the Holy Spirit was working in them people were getting saved left and right and people could tell. This is evident in the book of Acts. Notice that they were in tune with the Holy Spirit. That is what we need more of.
Another thing, the Bible says flee from fornication. After so much exposure, a person will get us to what they see and harden their hearts. We are created with a sexual desire, and to go somewhere where that is being flashed around would be dangerous to the purity of the mind and heart.
It is also interesting that many people sought out Christ because of His manner of life which was holy and perfect. The Bible says "they sought after Him."
I do think we need to reach out to those who aren't saved, but in God's way and not ours. I just don't see any evidence so far that says Christ or His apostles went to visit the harlots while they were in their adulterous acts.
These women in this organization are doing things that you all (besides the 3rd person that commented on here) wouldn't do b/c you are probably too scared and SAFE to do it. These people are going to the depths of sinful places to reach out to some of the most desperate, vulnerable people to show them something completely opposite than they might have ever known! CHRIST! They love God enough to help the "unlovable" of this world. They are loving the lost which, by the way, are just like you before you were saved. Your sin, before you were saved, was JUST LIKE theirs...appalling and disgusting to God! These women that are strippers even in the depths of the sinfulness can be saved and their lives can be made new and righteous before God. It is so SAD to see how you have limited God and His power to work and move through this ministry. Take a step back and see how small your God is and read the Bible so you can see how BIG my God is. I do not see them compromising ANYTHING. They have stinkin' tank tops on that are covering everything. Tell me you don't ever where a ONE PIECE bathing suit outside...b/c if you have just become a hypocrite but actually the bathing suit would be even worse. They are not accepting their behaviors as righteousness before God. These women are meeting the strippers right where they are loving them despite their sin...which is what Christ has done for us! They are building relationships to be able to speak the Gospel to them and possibly see even ONE come to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. You all need to repent of your self centered, righteous ways and get your theology correct. That's all I have for now.
This might seem a bit off-topic, but I want to ask for tips on how to actually preach to patrons of such shows. I personally am very much against prostitution, pornography and these indecent shows. I believe that not only do they cause one to commit lust, they also destroy basic human dignity for those in these lines of work. These are clearly forms of exploitation. And it bothers me how callous a lot of people have become that they view these things as perfectly OK. I have friends who regularly view strip shows and whether they're straight or gay, they always try to defend their choice to patronize these shows. Now how do I convince them that this is wrong? I already asked them, "How would you feel if your sister/brother, daughter/son, mom/dad or wife/husband was a stripper?" They would just find ways to downplay the argument.
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