Sunday, March 12, 2006

Poetry: Orchestration

I'm currently reading a book called, Story: Recapture the Mystery, written by Steven James, a professional storyteller. In this book he presents the Gospel story through a narrative format, as well as poems, and stories which really brings the Gospel message to life. His story of Cain and Abel is awesome. Anyways you should check the book out and read it. So I thought I would post some of his poems on here for you to read because I think they are so awesome.

when i pause long enough to listen,
i hear noise rather than music in my soul.
the chords of my heart strain to find the first harmony.
it's there, somewhere in my distant memories,
i hear snatches of it sometimes
in the silences, in the corners, on the outskirts of my dreams.
but my days are all so busy and
my moments are all so heavy,
that they pull my hope down again into minor key.
is harmony even possible anymore
in this out of whack, out of tune world?

lead me into the music again.
show me where the breeze of your harmony blows.
for only with your help
will i ever be part of the original song


(Poem quoted from: Story: Recapture the Mystery. Steven James. Page 31.)

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