Monday, May 01, 2006

Webb's Notes

Below are Webb's notes from the previous Foundation meeting at DSBC. I also want to remind everyone of the Graduation Service which we will be leading on May 21st and to be praying for that worship gathering. If you have any questions email me, the link is on the side.

Notes from Webb:


Things we should do:

- have a main purpose

- do everything intentionally

- foster meaningful relationships rather than just many

- emphasize growing in relationship with God, community with insiders, and influence with outsiders.

Target Group:

- Post high-school to 30 yrs.

- Un-churched

- Don’t steal from other churches

- “Apathetic” Christians

- Returners

  1. What do we want People to become?

- Disciples

    1. following Christ everyday
    2. involved in the continual process of maturing

  1. What do we want people to do?

- Be growing in

    1. intimacy with God
    2. community with Believers
    3. influence with outsiders

  1. Where do we want people to go?

- Small Groups

How Do We Accomplish This?

Casual Relationships->Open Group Event or Worship Service--->
Group Link---> Small Group

Here's the notes I typed up from the last meeting. I think one of the largest discoveries regarding our discussion was the general conclusion that there is a need for a intermediate stage between worship services and small groups, called a "Group Link," which would function somewhat like a wednesday night youth lesson (execept way cooler and more mature and named something really smooth of course). This will require not a small amount of work for the individual responsible for coordinating it. I think a good topic for the next core group meeting should be to ascertain some estimations on when we want particular elements to be in place. For example if we start with worship services, how many weeks will it be before we schedule the first Group Link, and if we will start small groups at the end of the summer after we play it by ear. I think it may be good to have a core group meeting before the graduation worship service that we are supposed to lead in May.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.